Our History
China-Pakistan, a historic “Ironclad Brotherhood”.
China and Pakistan are geographically connected
neighbouring countries. For centuries many Chinese
monks and ascecs arrived bravely at the famous
Bhudhist seminaries of Pakistan through hard and
the most harrowing trails of the great Himalayas
and got the knowledge of teachings and tradional
v a l u e s o f B u d d h i s m .
Since 2nd century BCE the “Silk Route” had served
as a trade route connecng east and west and provided
the basis for economic,cultural ,polical and religious
interacons between the people of these regions.
It also helped commerce and trade,culture,invenons,
and unique products to spread across much of the
seled world
Our History
For the attainment of the objectives, the Council works at strategicand Operational levels. At the strategic level:
- It will develop the capacity to be partners with governments and institutions to support policies and plans.
- Educate and inform public opinion in favor of a long-term Pak-China partnership.
- Organize and participate in official and institutional events concerning the Belt and Road Initiative, China-Pak Economic Corridor, and allied initiatives.
- Promote China and Pakistan in third countries like the Central Asia & beyond.
- Hold conferences, and seminars, undertake research, and assemble data on subjects relevant to functions of the Council as well as the BRI, CPEC, and multilateral initiatives like United Nations’ SDGs, WTO, etc.