About Us

Our Vision

Its vision is to transform the China-Pakistan relations into a strategic partnership for development and create an eternal bond between the two nations through the economic, human, and physical connectivity.

Our Mission

The mission of CPBDC is to advance an environment devoid of barriers for Investors to invest and commerce, thereby reducing the difficulty and expense of conducting business in China and Pakistan.


CPBDC (The Association Of Excellence) is a voluntary partnership of businesses and professionals working together to build a healthy economy and improve the quality of life in a business community and China-Pakistan economic activities. As an association we will work to accomplish these goals, it must champion many different functions: economic developer and planner, tourist information center, business spokesperson, economic counselor and teacher, government relations specialist, human resources adviser, and public relations practitioner. We can increase participation by encouraging members to work on committees. Committees can include economic development, education, government relations, human resources, public affairs, and tourism between China and Pakistan entrepreneurs.

150BUSD Profit

Our History

China-Pakistan, a historic “Ironclad Brotherhood”.
China and Pakistan are geographically connected
neighbouring countries. For centuries many Chinese
monks and ascecs arrived bravely at the famous
Bhudhist seminaries of Pakistan through hard and
the most harrowing trails of the great Himalayas
and got the knowledge of teachings and tradional
v a l u e s o f B u d d h i s m .
Since 2nd century BCE the “Silk Route” had served
as a trade route connecng east and west and provided
the basis for economic,cultural ,polical and religious
interacons between the people of these regions.
It also helped commerce and trade,culture,invenons,
and unique products to spread across much of the
seled world

Our History

For the attainment of the objectives, the Council works at strategicand Operational levels. At the strategic level:

  1. It will develop the capacity to be partners with governments and institutions to support policies and plans.
  2. Educate and inform public opinion in favor of a long-term Pak-China partnership.
  3. Organize and participate in official and institutional events concerning the Belt and Road Initiative, China-Pak Economic Corridor, and allied initiatives.
  4. Promote China and Pakistan in third countries like the Central Asia & beyond.
  5. Hold conferences, and seminars, undertake research, and assemble data on subjects relevant to functions of the Council as well as the BRI, CPEC, and multilateral initiatives like United Nations’ SDGs, WTO, etc.



Expanding economic and business relations between China and Pakistan.


Developing synergies among professional, business, educational, and cultural entities


Building a conducive environment for investments and trade facilitation.


Engage in ‘citizen diplomacy’ to promote the interests of both countries.


Provide credible and authentic information about policies, plans, opportunities, and projects, and f. Build a positive narrative and respond to disinformation by vested interests against China and Pakistan and their relationship.

Growing Fast

Post CPEC phase is creang a glance for unlimited opportunies in mulfaceted areas for investment, entrepreneurship, trade development and partnerships in public and private sectors. Further to develop more innovate ideas and technological fulfillment the exchange programs, like, Knowledge Economic Corridor, and culture and modern tourism development are also part of CPEC. Connected with CPEC are benefits and ample opportunies all around for quick investments with high return growth in the SMEs beside large scale industries. Pakistan and China sll need to explore and discover mulfold areas and exchange strategic business development ideas to upli commerce and trade volume. An interacon on a regular basis is a key to address unresolved issues in order to enjoy the benefits of business philosophy and diplomacy in a real manner.China’s visionary insight, “Go Global“, through socio economic investment and trade development is a way and Pakistan’s business secons are potenally eager to join hands with Chinese business enterprises to comply with the philosophy of “Go Global, Grow Together”.It is a dire need of the me to share heads and hands to gather on one plaorm where “business meets soluons”.

Information Technologies

Looking for AreaVision Pitch of Focus?

Investment & Trade
Infrastructure & Real Estate
Agriculture and Food Security
Education & Training
Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
Pharmaceutical & Health Care
Budget Friendly

Licence & Affilation

China Pakistan Business Development Council is License by Ministry of Commerce Government
of Pakistan Islamabad & Affiliated with many others Government Authorities & Chamber of Commerce


What They Are Saying

    CPBDC (The Association Of Excellence) is a voluntary partnership of businesses and professionals working together to build a healthy economy and improve the quality of life in a business community and china Pakistan economic activities.


    13th Floor, Askari Corporate, Liberty chowk, Gulberg-||| Lahore


    +92 334 776 6057


